Together we are helping
Ukrainians meet their basic needs.

Other Giving Opportunities

Mail a Check

Checks can be made payable to PHA and mailed to
P.O. Box 12087 College Station, TX 77842

Securities and IRA Charitable Rollover

Avoid capital gains tax on your gift of stocks, bonds or mutual funds. If you are 70.5 or older you can make a gift from your retirement account and avoid tax on the distribution and reduce your taxable income.
Contact PHA for more information about these giving options.

Planned Giving

Make a gift to PHA in your will or living trust. Pass your IRA benefits to PHA and avoide the heavy tax burden. Name PHA the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Contact PHA for more information abou these giving options.

Memorials and Honorariums

To make a donation in memory or in honor od someone please contact us.
Click below to view Memorials and Honorariums


Donate via Paypal


Donate vial Venmo